Well, not really offline since you'll still have to download some files, but not all of the packages. Use this for computers with limited internet quota. I'm sure this could be done in a single script with some awk-fu.

  1. Produce a list of your current package selections:
dpkg --get-selections | awk '{ print $1 }' > selections
  1. Get the package lists:
for s in lucid/main lucid/multiverse lucid/restricted lucid/universe \
        lucid-updates/main lucid-updates/multiverse \
        lucid-updates/restricted lucid-updates/universe ; do \
    wget -c "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/$s/binary-i386/Packages.bz2" \
        -O Packages_${s/\//_}.bz2 ; \

This grabs the package lists in filenames like this:

  1. Extract the filenames from these package lists:
for f in Packages*.bz2 ; do bzcat $f | awk '
/^Package/ { package=$2 } 
/^Filename/ { print package "\t" $2 } 
' > ${f%%.bz2}.filenames ; done
  1. Produce a list of all filenames, making sure the updates get precedence over the other ones:
cat `ls -1 Package*.filenames | sort` | awk '
{ files[$1] = $2 }
  for (p in files) print p "\t" files[p]
}' | sort > all.filenames
  1. Produce a script of your selections:
awk '
BEGIN { while (getline < "all.filenames" != 0) filenames[$1] = $2 }
{ if ($1 in filenames) print "wget -c http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/" filenames[$1] }
'  < selections > downloads
  1. Take the file downloads to another computer, and run it:
sh downloads
  1. Take the downloaded files back to the offline computer, copy the files to /var/cache/apt/archives, then do-release-upgrade.

You could probably save more quota by renaming the Package files and copying them to /var/lib/apt/lists.